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DaVE and Noemi's Garage -- Week ending Nov 25, 2000
This week's final view:

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Week ending Nov 25, 2000

Monday the slab was poured! The concrete trucks came in two stages, with an hour and a half inbetween, to the consternation of the concrete masons. First they poured the concrete, then did some basic spreading, then the masons had to wait until it was dry enough to draw the expansion lines. I was really impressed with the pride they took in their work, beaming at me, "Isn't that a NICE floor?". Yes, so nice that I'm reluctant to let BMW centerstands dig it out!

With construction on hold for the holiday and to let the concrete cure, Tim left us with instructions to keep the slab as wet as possible, so that the concrete on top would cure more slowly to match the concrete underneath. We faithfully watered the slab several times a day.
But, our job wasn't done: we needed to get that steel container out. Craig had a brilliant suggestion: a tow truck! Why didn't we think of that! Our holiday weekend was spent shopping for a storage tent (unsuccessfully), re-organizing the shed again (anyone want 3 window air conditioners?), buying and installing plywood, then moving all the shelves and boxes out of container and setting them up on the ground next to the container. Then we shoveled the pile of sand out of the driveway, moved some dirt out of the way, and placed plywood under the container so it'd slide.

Our preparations paid off -- it went without a hitch! The skilled tow truck operators towed it to the point where it had to be turned, then placed a 2nd hook and cable on one side of it to rotate it, and carefully pulled it out. The following Monday, Endeavour picked up the container. No damage to house or garage, and no one hurt. Perfect!

We found a good tent to use to replace the container, a 10 x 20 canopy with 3 sides. We bought it for $150 + $90 shipping from Costco's Web site, since none of CostCo's stores carried this "out-of-season" item. Two weeks later, Costco took it off its Web site! We found the same canopy for $349 on another Web site that has many temporary garage options. Still a deal.

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