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DaVE and Noemi's Garage -- Week ending Dec 2, 2000
This week's final view:

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Week ending Dec 2, 2000

Not that we expected it, but no activity so far (Wednesday), while the concrete cures and it's raining out. Actually, we're not really sure what the next construction step is.

Research! I've done a lot of phone research on roofing and siding, enough that we've decided to take a weekday next week, do a one-day marathon visit of roofing stores and lumberyards, and finalize those decisions. We also need to finalize the decision on the pedestrian door, shop for skylights (a new idea and an easy change), and the biggie: order garage doors. We'll work on the garage doors this weekend, starting by visiting Artistic Garage Door in San Carlos.

ON HOLD: A combination of holidays, weather, and other projects have put this project on hold for a few weeks. That's fine, we're rather have downtime for a while, then total focus, rather than a day here, an afternoon there.

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