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DaVE and Noemi's Garage -- Week ending January 20, 2001

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Week ending January 20, 2001

Six solid days of framing this week, topped off with a crane on Saturday! Pretty exciting. All the walls were framed, including the interior bathroom walls, and the outside walls sheathed in plywood. Gradually, we'd see features we'd only imagined materialize: window openings, doors, the shed roof. It's interesting that they sheath over the windows, then use a router to create the opening -- accurate, and easy. It's a constant challenge to temper my curiosity and stay out of their way.

Saturday, a crane came to install the heavy beams for the roof ridges, and the headers above the large garage door. This was the fastest, most economical, and safest way to install these, though it can also be done by a crew of people. It was COLD that day, and they don't usually work with gloves. (Note to self: say NO to outdoor carpentry.)

DaVE shivers as he rescues our NY Times from the impending festivities

Drat, looks like we ordered the wrong size for the loft window facing west. The garage header cuts the size of that window down by 6". So, we get to re-order that window, which was already a custom weird job since half of it is fixed, and half is a hopper, to the tune of $330. owch! As it was, my confusing notation (transcribed verbatim from the confusing window manufacturer's notation) for the east loft window misled Tim into making the window opening too small. Oops, sorry, but he was able to correct it easily.

Now that we have walls, it seems so huge! With just the foundation, it seemed small.

This week's final view:

Next week: roof rafters and more sheathing!

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