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DaVE and Noemi's Garage -- Week ending January 27, 2001

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Week ending January 27, 2001

Mom Nature has her own ideas about our garage progress. Tim and Craig were hoping to call her bluff, but had to give up mid-day due to rain and wind, then only got one more nice day to work in the whole week. But, progress is steady anyway: the shed roof is framed, and most of the lower part of the garage is sheathed!

Despite the fabulous progress, I'm staggered by how involved the whole process is, and hence how much there is left to do. Of course, I am no judge of what takes a long time and what doesn't. The framing is a big part of it, but when that's done there's still the windows, roof, siding, electrical, plumbing, insulation, drywall, driveway, doors....!!! And that's just in the contract -- then when Tim and Craig are done, we have shelves, cabinets, a loft, the shed to remove, the landscaping, and of course, the air pipes!

This week's final view:

Next week: more roof rafters, and we start talking to landscapers.

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