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DaVE and Noemi's Garage -- Week ending May 5, 2001

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Week ending May 5, 2001

Wednesday the electricians showed up and got started on finishing up the outlets and installing the light fixtures, and finished up late Thursday. We're really psyched to have electricity, but Tim called Friday and said that the electrician found a problem and might have to cut into drywall. Hmm, what problem? Dave went out to troubleshoot and found two root causes that were probably causing the numerous manifestations. Such as: the garage door outlet had no power at all, or one switch had each wire coming from two different circuits, and a 3-way switch didn't turn a whole series of outlets on. Dave wrote up a detailed list of problems, along with his diagnoses, and FAXed it to Tim.

Then we found a slight drip under the utility sink. I hear this always happens at the end of a project! Nothing major though.

Minor hassle #241: the $200 aluminum pole to open the awning windows, which will be fitted with hex adapters, doesn't fit the adapters. So far the window salesmen haven't been able to explain how this is supposed to work, nor why this pole cost $200. It's not clear they understand the problem, though it's obvious when you look at the pole and the adapter. (The skylight pole cost $30 and is almost identical in construction and design.)

Still, the end must be getting closer; more and more, we talk about fun ideas for the party. We'll suggest to our musically inclined friends that they bring instruments to jam as a bad garage band, and put an Internet-connected laptop in the garage via the cat5 wiring and set up a "pin the tail on the contractor" game :-)

Lucky me! My Mom visited during a business trip, and my brother decided to make Sunnyvale a way station on his cross-country drive in his '67 Dodge Coronet.

This week's final view:

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