* * * * !! Garage-Warming Party !! * * * * Are construction projects ever done? Even when all the contractors are gone, all the debris is taken away, and all the money is spent, is there really an end to the project? There's the workbenches and cabinets to install, a loft to build, temporary storage to remove, heaps of stuff from the house to move in, and a mind-boggling landscaping job.....are we really DONE? No. But DaVE's running out of beer. So it's time for a party. BevMo, here we come. So, come join us! Fun for all! * Ooh and ahh at the -- that's a *garage* ?? * Bring your ideas for landscaping! * Strain your ears to hear when bob pasker blurts out the question that everyone else will be too polite to ask: how much did this cost, anyway? * Gossip about how you'd have spent the money instead! * Count the electrical outlets and re-think the cliche "you can never have too many outlets" ! * Marvel at just how very little we've done to the house! Though I had grand ambitions to make this a huge bash, once again we'll take a lesson from Jim Franklin and keep it simple. We'll provide soft drinks, beer, food, munchies, a gas grill, and yes, wine (I won't make THAT mistake again!). WHEN: 2pm-on, Sunday, June 24, 2001 WHERE: 810 Parnell Place, Sunnyvale (near SW corner of Homestead and Wolfe) http://www.nebcom.com/dnn/house/directions.html WHO: You, your friends, coworkers, SOs, spouses, neighbors, kids, siblings, in-laws, pets, etc. Pass this on to anyone we left off the list. Disclaimer: the site is nowhere near child- or animal-safe. (But it is poodle-tested / Golding-approved.) WHAT: http://www.nebcom.com/dnn/garage RSVPs: Useful for food count, but not necessary. BRING: What's a garage without a garage band? We encourage our musically inclined (and otherwise) friends to bring instruments and jam in the garage! The acoustics in there are just awful, it'll be perfect! Come celebrate with us, hope to see you then! - DaVE & Noemi